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Why do I have to pre-drill fastener holes in roofing with corrugated panels?
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Pre-drilling the holes ensures that the panels have room to expand and contract properly with temperature changes. Skipping this step can lead to distorted, warped or cracked panels.

Why do polycarbonate roofing sheets require pre-drilling oversized holes?
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Polycarbonate sheets are typically attached to support structures using screws or other fasteners. It is necessary to pre-drill oversized holes in the SUNTUF sheets to allow for expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. This is critical to ensuring the roof's quality and performance over time.

Will polycarbonate light transmittance deteriorate over time?
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PALRAM's polycarbonate products are shielded with a UV protection layer that guards against photodegradation, yellowing, and brittleness. This protects the sheets from the harmful impact of UV radiation and helps to maintain light transmittance and quality for many years. Our products come with a 10-year warranty against loss of light transmittance. Upon special request, we can provide an enforced UV protection layer with a longer warranty.