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What is the most accurate white point that is suitable for wide-format printing?
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There are different white substrates available but in order to achieve a true colored image according to the design, a process of profiling (ICC profile) needs to be done. By using a natural white substrate (a tint which been made with no extra additives), the process of measuring and profiling becomes very simple and fast.

What is the protection level for ballistic?
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For bullets, BULLETPROOF offers UL 752 protection up to level 6 — protection against automatic weapons firing pistol-caliber ammunition such as an Uzi sub-machine gun chambered in 9 mm.

What is the range of colors for PALCLAD Pro?
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PALCLAD Pro comes standard in white and off-white. In addition, 10 more colors are available on special order. PALCLAD Pro can be printed on with excellent ink adhesion to surface and print quality.

What is the recommended purlin spacing for SUNTUF corrugated polycarbonate roofs?
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The required purlin spacing for corrugated polycarbonate roofing depends on a number of factors, including the size and type of corrugated sheets. In addition, the type of support structure, and local building codes.
Follow Palram's technical guidelines for the specific SUNTUF product you have chosen. This will ensure that the roofing is properly supported and able to withstand the loads and stresses it will be subjected to.

What is the right roof pitch for SUNTUF and PALRUF corrugated plastic sheeting?
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A proper slope keeps water off the roof. It prevents leaks, keeps the roof clean, and ensures structural integrity.
Roof slope percentage indicates how much the roof falls over a given distance. For example, the roof slope would be 5% if it dropped 5 centimeters over one meter.
DIY corrugated plastic sheet typically requires a 10% slope. Some profiles call for a deeper slope. Check the specs of your sheeting to be sure.
Pay attention: If you expect leaves or snow to accumulate on your roof, consider a deeper slope.

What Is the Right Saw for Cutting PALRUF Corrugated PVC Sheets?
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Safety First: Protect yourself by using professional equipment, keeping your surroundings neat and tidy, and using tools with caution and care.
Power tools
Circular table saws are the most efficient and accurate way to cut plastic sheets. This option, however, is rarely available on home improvement sites.
A portable fine-toothed circular saw is ideal for cutting on-site. High blade speed and moderate feeding rate will give you the best results.
A jigsaw also produces clean, accurate cuts, but requires better control. It is most suitable for cutting complex shapes and curved lines
Manual tools
Working with manual tools is time-consuming, but it reduces the possibility of sheet damage.
Manual handsaws with fine teeth provide accuracy and control
Hand tools such as tin snips, scissors, or even a utility knife are useful when working with thin PVC sheets or making small notches.
Additional tools
You will need a flat, stable workbench to work on.
To set guidelines, you will need a tape measure, a ruler, and a marking pen.

What Is the Right Saw for Cutting SUNTUF Corrugated Polycarbonate Sheets?
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Safety First: Protect yourself by using professional equipment, keeping your surroundings neat and tidy, and using tools with caution and care.
Power tools
Circular table saws are the most efficient and accurate way to cut plastic sheets. This option, however, is rarely available on home improvement sites.
A portable fine-toothed circular saw is ideal for cutting on-site. High blade speed and moderate feeding rate will give you the best results.
A jigsaw also produces clean, accurate cuts, but requires better control. It is most suitable for cutting complex shapes and curved lines
Manual tools
Working with manual tools is time-consuming, but it reduces the possibility of sheet damage.
Manual handsaws with fine teeth provide accuracy and control.
Hand tools such as tin snips, scissors, or even a utility knife are useful when working with thin polycarbonate sheets or for making small notches.
Additional tools
You will need a flat, stable workbench to work on.
To set guidelines, you will need a tape measure, a ruler, and a marking pen.

What is the right saw for on-site cutting SUNLITE multiwall polycarbonate sheets?
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Safety First: Protect yourself by using professional equipment, keeping your surroundings neat and tidy, and using tools with caution and care.
Power tools
Circular table saws are the most efficient and accurate way to cut plastic sheets. This option, however, isn't always available on home renovation sites.
A portable fine-toothed circular saw is ideal for cutting on-site. High blade speed and a moderate feeding rate will give you the most effective results.
A jigsaw also produces clean, accurate cuts, but requires better control. It is most suitable for cutting complex shapes and curved lines.
Manual tools
Working with manual tools is time-consuming, but it reduces the risk of sheet damage.
Manual handsaws or hacksaws with fine teeth provide accuracy and control.
Hand tools such as tin snips, scissors, or even a utility knife are useful for making small notches.
Additional tools
You will need a flat, stable workbench to work on.
To set guidelines, you will need a tape measure, a ruler, and a marking pen.
An air-compressor will help you remove chips that may have entered the sheets’ cells.

What kind of drill do you use for solid plastic sheets?
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Regular, high-speed steel twist drills, or carbide-tipped drills are suitable for drilling holes in PALSUN sheets of various thicknesses, as long as they are sharpened well. They are used for bores up to 12 mm in diameter.
Larger holes may be drilled with flat, chisel edged drill blades with a triangular cutting tip, similar to those used in woodworking, kept sharp.
Rake angle should be about 5° to avoid side friction. They are used for bores from 12 to 20mm. Commercially available cutting cups or circle cutters of several types can be used for large round apertures.
Reduce the drill speed for large diameter holes or large gauge plastic sheets.
For detailed specifications and drilling tips and recommendations, look up the fabrication guide in the downloads section.

What kind of gasket is suitable for corrugated SUNTUF and PALRUF sheets?
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Flexible EPDM gaskets with metal washers.
Flexible EPDM gaskets allow just enough free movement for the sheets as they contract and expand. This ensures an effective seal against leaks and reduces stress and micro cracks. The metal washers will distribute the fastener load and will support the gasket.
Gaskets should conceal holes properly.
Use a 25mm gasket for a 10mm drill. A 19mm gasket is the alternative when the corrugation profile does not allow a wider gasket (if the valley or crest is too narrow).

What level of protection against forced entry can I expect from BULLETPROOF?
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BULLETPROOF offers forced entry protection equivalent to ASTM F1915-05 Security Grade Level 1-3 — a standard developed to measure impact-resistant fittings in correctional facilities.

What size do bullet resistant polycarbonate sheets come in?
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PALSHIELD ballistic grade polycarbonate is available in a variety of sizes and specifications. Custom size options are available upon request.

What structural support is needed for SUNLITE polycarbonate sheets?
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SUNLITE roofing support depends on several factors:
Support type: Some architectural projects may use four-sided clamps or frames, two-sided clamped glazing, or two-way clamped arched glazing. DIY and home renovation projects typically use purlins to support the roof.
Expected wind and snow loads should also be considered based on local building codes.
The SUNLITE Technical Guide in the downloads section contains a detailed tables for all scenarios.

When roofing with PALRUF corrugated panels, where should I fix the screws – valley or crest points?
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Crest fixing is preferred.

When roofing with PALRUF corrugated panels, where should I start to install?
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You can choose to install left to right, or right to left. It is recommended to always advance against the dominant wind direction at the site. Never start at both sides, or at any two separate points.

When should I specify a matte surface finish for the polycarbonate?
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A matte surface finish is good if you want to avoid glare within your surroundings.

When should I use multiwall polycarbonate and when solid polycarbonate?
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Multiwall polycarbonate should be used when the key design parameter is thermal insulation. Solid polycarbonate should be used when the key design parameter is acoustic insulation and glass-like appearance.

When should I use PVC corrugated sheets versus polycarbonate corrugated sheets?
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PVC corrugated sheets are mainly used for opaque roofing and siding of industrial buildings in highly-corrosive environments such as port warehouses, cowsheds, and dairies. Polycarbonate corrugated sheets are mainly used as roofing or siding where natural daylight illumination is needed.

Where should I use corrugated versus multiwall polycarbonate covering?
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SUNTUF Plus corrugated polycarbonate sheets provide the best light transmittance and UV light resistance, with exceptional load bearing and impact-resistance properties. SUNLITE Plus multiwall PC sheets provide the best thermal insulation. In locations where you would prefer thermal insulation to light transmission, you should use SUNLITE Plus multiwall PC sheets.

Which material diffuses the light better?
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The diffusion is not defined by the material, but by the diffusion additive that is part of the manufacturing formula. The materials should be selected by their fit to the application (e.g. polycarbonate for thermo-forming or extreme weather). Usually products marked with sign grade and/or diffusion grades have greater light diffusion than others.